HELLO Fantastic people of America.

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I. Love. You. 

This week has been a wild one. My trainer finished her mission, so I got a new trainer. Sister Ufau. She's perfect. I love her. But, they kept me in my area, and got rid of the other sisters in Mapandan. So know we are opening the other part of Mapandan. So I am leading an open area. Thankfully, I have been on exchanges with the other sisters before, so I kind of know where things are, but this is definitely something that is another challenge to overtake. But all is well of course. God is good. Filipinos are beautiful people. My heart is full. For all that of you that asked, hong kong is not a thing anymore (I was bummed too). turns out it was all just planned in order to be able to get a visa, but the trip was never really going to happen. 

My new companion is Sister Ufau, she is from Samoa. She has been out for 15 months (so as long as I have left) and is almost to the end:( But, like I said, shes perfect. So kind. so loving. Our house is getting uglier and uglier everyday. I went to take a shower and a giant spider was in the bucket. I lost it and now we are looking for a new apartment. So if you know of anyone renting in Mapandan,Philippines HMU. 

General Conference was BEAUTIFUL. Oh man, I loved it. One common theme that stuck out to me (there were many) was Self improvement. As saints we are required to constantly be perfecting ourselves. Constantly becoming more obedient, more humble, more faithful, and ultimately more like our Savior Jesus Christ. I really loved what was said about Women in the church from Russell M. Nelson and Jeffery R Holland. For any people that feel that church doesn't hold women with the highest regard needs to listen to those talks. It was such a stark contrast from how the world dictates how a woman can become more powerful. The world confuses people into thinking that Bold, Influential, Nurturing and loving are contradicting characteristics. The bretheren made that very clear, that that is not the case. A woman's most powerful and influential characteristic is her maternal, nurturing Nature. As women, we have been blessed with a very divine characteristic and should not turn away from it, but embrace it. When we embrace those divine qualities, our influence will not only impact life here on earth, but will reach into the Eternities. No earthy quality of being seductive, aggressive, or selfish can ever have such a far reaching influence. compared to the eternities, this life here is a small moment, we want to be sure that our influence will not end once this life ends. The words coming from the bretheren, which really come from our Father in Heaven, eloquently state what manner of women we ought to be. It definitely put a lot of things into perspective for me and helped me understand to whom I should look to for an example, and whom I should emulate. 

Then all the other talks were perfect too. RE-read and re read and ponder and then re read general conference. It is literally Heavnely Father's modern day counsel for us, in this moment of time. SO important for us to heed to and apply its words. 

I hope everyone is getting my pictures, I have been sending them to mom and dad when I have wifi. I am getting fat here in the Philippines :( so sad. Also, my legs now look like a war zone. the mosquito bites are out of control. No malaria here tho, so we are safe. So yes, the Philippines has made me ugly, I hope you all will still love and accept me when I return. 

Sister Gentry


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