Every week brings different challenges, but we watched a video of the hero cycle at our Christmas conference. It showed the parallels of the hero cycle and missionary work. It states that challeges change us and make us better. After we endure little or big challenges, everyday we are altered and refined (if we let them refine us). As we have come closer to Christmas, I have been grateful for the beautiful words and messages coming from leaders. The Christmas Fireside was very inspiring for me. I realize how fortunate I am to be spending this blessed season in the midst of His work. Never before have I felt so close to my Savior around this time of year. My heart swells with love for my Him and for His life that HE gave for each and everyone of us. In my personal study the birth of the Savior has been my main focus. I love His words "to this end was I born". As we show the video to those we teach and it says "a Savior is born... discover why," Jesus Christ answers when he states "to this end was I born." From the very beginning Jesus Christ has been the arbitrator for the great plan of God. I can only imagine all the anticipation from people on earth, people who had alreay come to earth and those who had yet to come to earth, anxiously awaiting the day when their Savior would come to earth making it possible for them to not only return, but to inherit the kingdom of God in all its glory. I have no doubt in my mind that the Savior's day of birth was greatly rejoiced on high as we were all filled with gratitude for the glorious work about to come forth. The day a Savior was born, was a day every single one of God's children had reason to rejoice and be filled with immense gratitude to their selfless older brother. I am grateful to my Savior, my brother and my friend. I am so happy to be able to spend this season and every other day bringing our brothers and sisters unto Him. As a representative of Him, I testify of Jesus Christ. He is our Savior, our friend, our advocate. He continues to pour out His love unto us and His infinite Atonement redeems my soul everyday. I am grateful for the knowledge I have of His true gospel and that I may fully understand and receive all the blessings the Atonement has to offer. I hope to make Him proud as I humbly strive to represent Him and help others accept His love. I love my Savior. I know that He lives and I will continue to testify of Him as long as I may exist.
This testimony is what makes me work my hardest, do my best and improve each and everyday. I have much farther to go, but i know He is right here helping me along the path.
Have a very blessed and wonderful Christmas!